I have began my centers for the year in the school library.
This year it has been more of a process because I want all the centers to be meaningful.
I see k-2 once a week.
Because we have been reading Skippyjon Jones, I decided to begin my first round of centers based on him.
Here are my center signs which I completely stole the idea from Pinterest and now can't remember who from...sorry, Ill come back when it comes to me.
Children know they must check out a book and they must visit ONE center. I also printed the names of the students on a spreadsheet because I want to be sure that I know when someone has gone to the same one over and over...up to you how you would do it.
I also chose three IPADs and downloaded Make Dice Lite. Love love love this app. You can use as many dice as you want, any color and you can add words, letters, numbers.
Here I have to dice on the Ipad. Students did a math roll. They roll the dice and create a number sentence.
Here the student rolled 2 and 1 so they write that in the blanks and solve.
I used the app and created a MUY Loco vs Good Dude words printable. Students roll the two dice, one has a consonant and the other as a blend like ap,at, an. Students roll the dice and if it is a word they write it under Good Dude, if it is not, they write it under MUY Loco.
I also put an IPAD at the Skippy Game with one die. Students roll the die on the IPad and play the game.
My other centers were listening center with a Skippy book, Computers where they listened to two Skippy books on Youtube, Be a Skippy illustrator, where the students had directions on how to draw a chihuahua (Google it and you can find the print out) and the Skippy Hidden picture. Which is included in this freebie.
There is also a Siamese vs Chihuahua handout where I thought I might have a center with books about both and let students write about each one but I haven't used that yet.